Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Better Movie Experiences: How to be a Considerate Moviegoer

“Being considerate of others will take you and your children further in life than any college or
professional degree.” -Marian Wright Edelman

A cinematic experience has always been one of those few things in the world that brings us true joy and entertainment.

For a couple of hours or so, in a darkened room, you will get to see an artist’s creative interpretation of a story—a visual art if you may. And in those few hours in the cinema, you would somehow be transported to another world—for the time being at least. In this regard, movies have become more than just mere avenues for entertainment, but rather they can be considered as momentary escapes from the real world. For this reason, the world is never in shortage of moviegoers as there is still a market for new movie releases—regardless of how many online movie streaming sites there might be.

However, do remember that watching a movie is a shared experience and much of what makes it
enjoyable is the overall behavior of its audiences. In this regard, you ought to keep yourself in check and be considerate of other audience members at all times. Remember, they are paying to see the movie as well. So, you might as well conduct yourself appropriately while watching the movie. So, before checking out the movie schedules in Circuit Makati Cinema or elsewhere, here are things you might want to bear in mind to make the experience enjoyable for yourself and for everyone around you:

1.) Turn your phone off

Nothing can be more annoying than being in a darkened theater only to get suddenly blinded by a cellular phone’s bright light. Be considerate and keep your phones on silent or even better, turn it off. No one wants to see the glaring light of your screen. If you are expecting calls, take them outside. While you are at that, refrain from posting any part of the movie to your social media feed. Not only would you be distracting the viewers behind you, but you could potentially land yourself in hot water should the security spot you whipping out your phone to record parts of the movie.

2.) Throw your trash

Once the movie is done, do not leave your trash in your seats. Take them with you and dispose of them accordingly. Leave your seat clean and ready for the next viewers. It is the only common courtesy. Regardless of whether there will be someone to clean up for you, always take the trash with you. You were not raised in a barn after all.

3.) Keep your phone in your pocket

Remember how we told you not to whip out your phone every now and then, you might want to
keep it in your pocket instead. If you have the urge to update your social media feed with reactions (and spoilers) from the movie, you might as well stay home.

4.) Keep your voice down

While it is best to enjoy the movie in total silence, throwing out comments here and there to your companion is at times unavoidable. Not to worry though, just make sure that you keep your voices down and try not to talk so much during the movie. Remember, other viewers, are watching too and might be distracted by your talking.

5.) Occupy only your space

We know you want a little legroom and a bit of space to stretch out. However, try to leave a little space between yourself and other audience members and try not to encroach on their space so much. Remember, cinemas are communal spaces, so be nice and share the space. Today, most cinemas
reserve seats for you in advance provided that you have already bought a ticket, so there would be no issue of having other audience members occupy your designated seats.

6.) Treat the movie house with a modicum of respect

The movie theater is not an extension of your living room where you can freely remove your shoes and put up your legs on the seat in front of you. Treat the movie theaters and other cinema patrons with respect and act accordingly. You might be paying to see the movie, but again, so are they.

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