Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Job Hunting Tips To Help You Find Your Dream Job

Looking for a job and landing one does not come easy for everyone. Some people go through numerous job applications and interviews before being accepted into a job that they want. Even if you have landed a job, it does not mean that you will stay in that job for many years to come. Many of those who are working in the Philippines have had several jobs before their current one and some of them will continue to have a few more jobs in the future.

Whether you would like to get a job in Makati City or Manila, there are some things that can help increase your chance of getting the next job you apply to. Below are some of these tips.

·         Polish your cover letter and resume. The very first impression you can make on your potential employer lies on your cover letter and resume so you have to make it outstanding if you want to be remembered in a good way. Make sure there are no grammatical, typographical, and spelling errors. You might be handing out your cover letter and resume to more than a few companies so it has to be impeccable.

·         Network. Although a lot of people find jobs by looking through job advertisements, you might have a better chance by using your networks of friends, families, and colleagues. Try to build your network specifically in the field that you are aiming to work in.

·         Do not ‘bulk’ apply. Although finding a job is more probable if you apply to more companies, it does not mean that you should apply to all the companies you come across with. Do some filtering on your own based on some of your own preferences such as the position, the reputation of the company, the location, and many more. Limit your applications to around three to five at a time. Focusing on specific jobs that interest you will ensure that when you do get a job offer, it is something that you wanted from the start.
·       Go online. There are now numerous job websites where you can look for jobs and apply. Feel free to email your resume and cover letter, as well as sign up for sites such as LinkedIn. Remember that nowadays, networking extends to online social networks as well but make sure that your online profiles are clean and provide enough information about you.

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